Kitchen Is Where You'll Find Love
Healthy cooking tips and recipe suggestions
Buy a fresh bunch of six bananas. Split them in half, two bunches of three each. Melt a cup of lard. Dip the very tip of one bunch in lard, let cool. Lay both half bunches on fruit platter. The one dipped in lard will stay fresh for 3 weeks on the fruit platter.
read moreTypically, you crack the egg against the top edge of the container you are about to put the contents into. You can also crack the egg against a flat surface, which some people find lessens the chance of the yolk breaking, and prevents eggshell surface bacteria from entering the contents.
read moreIf you roll your meatballs with dry hands, the meat mixture will stick to your skin and make rolling a ball impossible. To remedy this, lightly oil your hands. You'll only need a light rolling motion to form a (not too tight!)
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